Ingo Harden
« There is mature audacity, in which factual fantasy and accuracy, emphasis and simplicity are impressively combined. Berlinskaya's play convinces from the first Beethoven bars on with a fine modeling of the musical event, which gives their play an unmistakable character: serious, clear without any pedal fog, strictly on the text and yet interpreting it delicately with a lot of imagination. (...) She also managed to play without the slightest artistic weakness the sonata of Medtner, title of the album, and Opus 16 of Schumann; (...) Ravel's "noble and sentimental Waltzes" are particularly striking for me personally: Berlinskaya performs it without the usual mixture of demonstrative tidiness and sentiment thus she manages to bring out all the more clearly their harmonious and artistic perfection. Great, sustainably impressive interpretive art. »